"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."
- Benjamin Franklin-
Fiscal Responsibility
As your county commissioner I will work with County staff and other elected officials to better manage county resources to cut wasteful spending and lower taxes.
Economic Development
I will work to promote sustainable growth as well as support local businesses to create jobs and bring businesses to Wright County. The stronger our local economy the more we can lower the tax rate on our residents and businesses.
Public Safety
I will work closely with Law Enforcement, First Responders, and community organizations to promote and work towards safety in our townships, cities, neighborhoods, and schools. We need our elected officials to stand with Law Enforcement and First Responders as they are the ones standing up for us in moments of crisis. As your commissioner I will stand with Law Enforcement and First Responders.
Common Sense
As Commissioner I will use a common sense approach to government. If it doesn't make sense I won't vote for it. I will work to make Wright County policies and procedures more practical and easy to understand. We need more common sense in local government, and more practical policies to reflect Wright Counties needs and values. This is not something than can be done alone. I need input from constituents to help to mold Wright County policies to better suit us.
Infrastructure and Transportation
I will work with county staff and other elected officials to invest in needed and necessary infrastructure such as bridges, roads, and public transportation. I believe that we can invest in our infrastructure while also cutting wasteful spending and lowering taxes.
Support Agriculture
Farming and Agriculture is the backbone of America and certainly the backbone of District 5. As your commissioner I will advocate for our farmers and agricultural businesses to ensure that they have the resources and support needed to aid in their success.